Sunday, January 27, 2013

Kathy's Diigo Library

I am quite happy to learn how to use My diigo library.  I have absolutely no rhyme or reason to the things I have bookmarked on my computer, and therefore, rarely go back and use them.  It is just too time consuming to sift through everything.  I am really looking forward to some organization.  I am trying to figure things out.   Although I am not sure that I really grasping the difference between a tag and keeping a list.  Any help here would be appreciated.  This, like everything else worth learning and using is going to take a commitment to explore and practice with.

The NETS addressed are 1c; Facilitate and inspire student learning-promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, and planning. Also, I see 3, 4 and 5.  By using this, I am modeling Digital Age work and learning, I am promoting and modeling Digital Citizenship and responsibility by giving credit where credit is due, and the most obvious NET to me was Engaging in professional growth and leadership.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Resume Make Over

Wow!  I was really pleased to find that my initial score on my resume was an A-.  According to RezScore, and I quote, "Congratulations. Your resume compares with the best resumes our experts graded.  It vividly tells the story of your work history, provides just enough details, and effectively communicates your value."  I knew I had worked hard on my resume this past summer and really spruced it up.  I guess I did okay!  I won't allow myself a big head, however.  Anyone can sound good on paper.  The real test comes during the interview and how well you perform on the job.

At any rate, I could see by their bar graph, that I could use a little more business on my business education resume, so I notched that part up a little more with a more detailed description of what I did in what I now like to call, "my former life."    The overall score stayed the same (90th) percentile, but the business management bar did go up ever so slightly. Click here to view my new resume.

If you would like to have your resume graded, click on the link and upload it.  Its really easy and its FREE!!!

The NETS most prevalently addressed in this assignment are; 5c evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning.  One of the things that my students must complete by the end of the year is a resume.  I will use this web site or one like it as another tool to strengthen their work.

Picasso Me

I went to to the Picasso Head link and created a self portrait.  I thought it was pretty interesting. It reminded me of creating a wii mii or an X-box avatar, but with a much more limited number of template choices.

I think I really need to try harder to think outside of the box. I had a hard time with the whole post modernism look on me.  I know that is pathetic, and I really have to expand my creative side, especially in today's cyber world.  This is something I will continue working on.  If you would like to see my masterpiece, and I use that term very loosely here, you can find it by clicking right here.  Or, you can simply look at the bottom of this post where I have snipped and pasted it onto this blog.

I found the application very easy to use and maneuver around in.  I really didn't experience any issues or difficulties with it.  I found the assignment both fun and educational.  My goal is to find more websites like this with which to start my classes.  The material I teach is pretty dry and repetitive.  Short five or ten minute activities like this one could be a good jumping off point to the heart of the lessons.

The standards used here clearly include number 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity.  This activity supports and models creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness.  We are taking something abstract and making it into something more tangible.  Also, for me, number 5; Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership, is at work here.  I am participating in a local learning community to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning.

Thanks Dr. Pierce!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gettin' Snippy!

This is the coolest thing ever!  I have set a scenario that I am meeting some out of town friends for dinner at the Olive Garden in Winchester.  I would send them the following snips straight to their phone or i-pad so they could just click and find. 

I can't wait to share this with my classes.  I hope they find this as cool as I do.

Nets addressed here:  1b; engage students in exploring real world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.  2a. Develop technology enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities.


Okay, I hope I am doing this right.  If I did this correctly, you may view my resume here.

It was quite easy to upload this from my computer.  The only major difference is the fact that my resume in Office Word has a cool background and color like nice expensive paper.  I haven't figured out how to do that here yet.  I'll continue to experiment with it.

The NETS standard that jumps out at me here is number 5.  Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership, d.  contribute to the effectiveness, vitality and self-renewal of the teaching profession and the school and community.  It is important that we as teachers not only keep up our skills, but keep up our marketability.  Part of that is having an excellent resume on file at all times.

How Millennial Are You?

Wow!  I was actually pretty shocked at my score of 72.  Although I spend a fair amount time learning and using technology, I related don't consider myself millenial.  Hey, I only missed it by one, so I'm going with it.  I sent my husband to the website to take the quiz and discovered I'm married to my grandfather!  He scored 13 points.  I found that hilarious.  I will expound a bit on the Frand's 10 characteristics of the information-age mind set:

1. Computers are not technology.  Yes they are.  I'm sorry, but I do feel that computers are a rapidly changing form of technology.  Computers make our everyday lives easier and more enjoyable in a multitude of ways; from our cars, to our thermostats in our homes, to this little box I'm typing on right now.

2. Internet better than TV.  I totally agree with this one.  I find myself watching less and less TV all the time.  I much prefer the hands on interaction on the computer.  I feel like I am at least using my brain when I'm searching for information or playing word or number games with other people.  Its enjoyable and relaxing, but I don't feel like a vegetable like when sitting in front of the TV.

3.  Reality no longer real.  I don't mean to sound cynical here, but my father also used to say "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see."  As with all things, the human  mind has to be what decides truth from deception and reality from fantasy or fiction.  Check your resources and keep everything in context.

4.  Doing better than knowing.  I'm kind of in the middle on this one.  Yes, I definitely like the hands on approach, but I also think there are some things in life that you just need to "know."  Some things just need to be accepted on faith.

5.  Nintendo over logic.  Ha ha.  I hate to admit it, but I am still more logic driven.  I still cringe when I'm not able to get something done on the computer and I have to start experimenting.  I just know that I'm going to push a button that is going to crash the whole thing and I'll lose all my precious information.  That being said, I am getting better; especially with smaller gadgets like my smart phone, Kindle and my i-pad from school.  I am much more Nintendo like when using those devices.

6. Multitasking way of life.  I see this everyday at school in my students and in my son, and I also see it in me to a certain extent. I find that I can concentrate on many different things at once and get by with a reasonable margin of error on everything.  Therein lies the problem with this way of life.  It tends to make for shallow knowledge bases, and heaven forbid, shallow people.  There are also some things you just don't multitask at. i.e. driving while texting!!!!!

7.Typing rather than handwriting.  I would much rather type something than write it out.  It is faster and easier to read. In my professional life, it is just plain more professional and expected.  I am not bothered by notes and such that come to me typed instead of hand written.  If someone is taking the time to type a note, they took the time and caring to do it.  Thats what counts.  They obviously care or they would have done nothing. :)

8.  Staying Connected.  This one kind of makes me laugh.  I like being connected when I want to be connected.  I am guilty of turning my phone off sometimes simply because I don't want to be bothered at the moment.  On the other hand, if I can't reach my husband the first time I call his cell phone, I find myself getting irritated.  I know, its a double standard. Gee, I hope he doesn't read this.  Staying connected is good in the fact that important information is not missed and time, money and worry can be saved.  I have to say though, a little "alone" time now and then feels pretty good too.

9.Zero tolerance for delays. I didn't have patients before cell phones and i-pads and I have even less now. Enough said.

10.Consumer/Creator blurring.  Oh my!  As a high school teacher, I get comments quite similar to those stated by the author about simply putting in a link or cutting and pasting information from an article.  I can't tell you how many plagiarism talks I have during every nonfiction or technical writing assignment I give.  Also, due to the overwhelming amount of material out there, its almost impossible to know if its really your student's work or not.  I suppose this is just one of those lessons we have to keep working on and push the ethical implications.

Some of the NETS addressed here are:   4a-c; Promote and Model Digital citizenship and Responsibility. Also, number 5, Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership.  By taking a look at ourselves first, we can see where our strengths lie and where we need the most work.  Continued learning is part of teaching.  I am always open to good knowledge.

Monday, January 21, 2013

So Not Me, But I'm Trying!

So I took the Social Media (So-Me) test and discovered I'm pretty much as clueless as I thought I was: 50%.  You too can learn if you are as inept as I am at the BusinessWeek website. I would consider myself a casual social media person at best.  I don't Tweet, but I do have a Facebook account.  See, I can't even remember what the names of the other social sites were for my blog!  At any rate, I do like to tinker around on Fb.  Its a great place to catch up to and keep up with friends and co-workers that I don't see often enough.  Also, its a great place to disseminate information quickly to my church and the youth group there. ( I am one of the Youth Leaders.)  I also enjoy some downtime on games like Words with Friends and Castleville, yes I said it for all to see.  I play Castleville. LOL. 

I would say I have a low to moderate participation level.  Low during the week.  Moderate on the weekends. (at least during the winter.)  I do have it linked to my email though in case my kids from youth need to reach me.  Facebook and texting are by far their favorite ways to reach me.

I see social media as something which is here to stay.  Choose! either jump on board or be left behind.  That being said, knowing how to use it and being an addict are very different things.  For the most part, I am in on it, but I believe it should be used in moderation and should not replace verbal conversation and meeting face to face.  There is nothing like catching up with an old friend or a new one over coffee or tea.

SoMe is currently relevant to me both personally and professionally, and I only expect that relevance to continue to increase.  It really is a fun way to interact and unwind.  It is equally useful in collaborating with peers.  I've both used and shared some really good teaching ideas.

In my opinion, the most prevalent ISTE standard for this activity is number 1d; model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues and others in face to face and virtual environments.  As an addendum, however, I would not recommend "friending" students on fb.  In fact, we're not allowed to in Berkeley County.  Too much room for problems there.  I am hoping to learn about other avenues to take in this class.

My Learning Style according to VARK

Well, I just took the VARK Learning Styles Inventory, which is an acronym for Visual, Aural, Reading-writing and Kinesthetic.  The website to take the quiz is found at .
Basically, this is a very brief yet concise set of questions which hone in on how you, as an individual, learn new activities best.  The questions only took about ten minutes or so to answer, but the outcome was pretty "spot-on."  I've never taken this particular test, but have taken others very similar.  The other tests, however, have been rather lengthy and time consuming, but the outcomes are pretty much the same.  Hmmm, perhaps sometimes less is more; as long as it is well thought out and pertinent, which the VARK seems to be.

Anywho, I am considered multimodal with a strong emphasis on the visual.  Big Shock to anyone who knows me or has ever taught with me; not!!  I do, in fact, learn best by visual representation followed by hands on.  That hands on could be doing or writing steps out, but doing is definitely best for me.  The perfect way for me to learn a new process is for someone to show me in graphic or picture form the operation first.  Followed by a demonstration and an immediate attempt by me to complete the process.  I then like to have the written graphic for future reference and practice.

I am thankful that I understand the learning styles and have been taught how to use them.  Not to be cliche or anything, but the fact of the matter is that kids do not learn things the same way.  Therefore, you cannot have one way of teaching and expect all of your students to be successful. And success doesn't just mean passing the summative exam.  Success means they understand it and can teach their peers the process.  If a student can lead a small group through the process, then he or she has learned it.  I love using that as formative assessing.

The most prevalent ISTE standards addressed in this activity, I would say are:
#1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity.(a,b,c and d)  By re-evaluating our own learning styles, we are reminded how important it is to teach in different ways so that students are not only learning, but enjoying the material.(At least this is the goal.)

#2  Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. I would love to be able to give this to my students to take online.  I think it would be quite enlightening to some of them in a very positive and fun way. http:///

Hello World!!

Hi everyone. My name is Kathy Stephens. I am married and the mother of one teenage boy.  In my spare time, I teach Business Education at Martinsburg High School in the sprawling meganopolis of Martinsburg, WV.  Ha Ha, anyone who teaches knows that we have no spare time.  Teaching is a full time gig, but worth every tiny penny we get paid for it! :)