Saturday, January 26, 2013

Resume Make Over

Wow!  I was really pleased to find that my initial score on my resume was an A-.  According to RezScore, and I quote, "Congratulations. Your resume compares with the best resumes our experts graded.  It vividly tells the story of your work history, provides just enough details, and effectively communicates your value."  I knew I had worked hard on my resume this past summer and really spruced it up.  I guess I did okay!  I won't allow myself a big head, however.  Anyone can sound good on paper.  The real test comes during the interview and how well you perform on the job.

At any rate, I could see by their bar graph, that I could use a little more business on my business education resume, so I notched that part up a little more with a more detailed description of what I did in what I now like to call, "my former life."    The overall score stayed the same (90th) percentile, but the business management bar did go up ever so slightly. Click here to view my new resume.

If you would like to have your resume graded, click on the link and upload it.  Its really easy and its FREE!!!

The NETS most prevalently addressed in this assignment are; 5c evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning.  One of the things that my students must complete by the end of the year is a resume.  I will use this web site or one like it as another tool to strengthen their work.

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