Sunday, January 27, 2013

Kathy's Diigo Library

I am quite happy to learn how to use My diigo library.  I have absolutely no rhyme or reason to the things I have bookmarked on my computer, and therefore, rarely go back and use them.  It is just too time consuming to sift through everything.  I am really looking forward to some organization.  I am trying to figure things out.   Although I am not sure that I really grasping the difference between a tag and keeping a list.  Any help here would be appreciated.  This, like everything else worth learning and using is going to take a commitment to explore and practice with.

The NETS addressed are 1c; Facilitate and inspire student learning-promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, and planning. Also, I see 3, 4 and 5.  By using this, I am modeling Digital Age work and learning, I am promoting and modeling Digital Citizenship and responsibility by giving credit where credit is due, and the most obvious NET to me was Engaging in professional growth and leadership.

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