Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Project 1 Powerpoint Presentation

Here is  my PowerPoint presentation titled "Feed Your 5,000."  I had some problems with getting this to autoplay when accessed through Dropbox, but I think I have fixed it.

That being said, I made my PowerPoint to be shown to our church Teen Youth Group "Blaze" in preparation for our 30 Hour Famine which will be coming up in April.  I will also be using it at school with the Bible Club.  PowerPoints are still a popular presentation medium and with time and some effort, you can make them turn out pretty awesome.  I have to say, however, that I actually find Prezi faster and easier to use.  I do still enjoy putting all the little personal touches on my Microsoft Presentation and appreciate all the wordart, themes and template styles that Microsoft offers.

Applicable NETS; #3 Model Digital Age work and learning.  Using resources to support student success and innovation. Also, I would be demonstratng fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.

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