Monday, February 25, 2013

Project 2 PhotoStory

Believe it or not, this was my very first You Tube video.  Yes, of course, I have watched many videos on YouTube, but I have never actually put anything up myself.  I'm embarrassed to admit it, but the hardest part of this assignment was figuring out that all I had to do in order to save this in the right format was to change three letters at the end of the file name.  I kept looking for it on my computer, not thinking to just type it in. (duhh!)  I had to say it, because I know someone out there reading this is thinking it.

That all aside, this is a really cool tool.  I'm going to have my students do one of these next week.  I really think they will enjoy it, and I know they can use it in their other classes too. I like the way they just walk you through it.  It is very user friendly and easy to use.  It's surprisingly fast too once you have all your pics.

I chose to narrate my "Feed your 5000" PP presentation.  My son is doing the famine again this year, so this is something very near and dear to my heart.  I am also the youth leader in charge of this event.  I initially had also put in some background music, but thought it was better without it.  I hope you enjoy my first PhotoStory as much as I enjoyed creating it.

The NETS 1c was well represented in this project; promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding, planning, thinking and creative processes.  If they can come up with pictures to tell a story or a process and then narrate it, they probably have the material well in hand.  I can see this being a great assessment tool!!

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